
Professional Services
Need assistance with nzyme? Whether it's deployment planning, configuration, or expanding your current setup, we are ready to guide you every step of the way. Our services are designed to enhance the performance of your nzyme deployment, broaden its applications, and even reduce costs. Reach out anytime for a friendly chat—we're dedicated to ensuring your nzyme experience is the best it can be.
Running stable and ingesting data!
Increase performance, reduce footprint.
High-Availability / Scaling
Make a setup production ready.
Data Ingestion
Assistance with adding data sources.

WiFi Security Consulting
Through our experience in developing nzyme, we have gained real-world insights into WiFi security threats. We are dedicated to assisting you in evaluating your specific risk profile and assessing your current environment. In the event that you encounter substantial security risks, we stand ready to provide comprehensive support and guidance across the entire network infrastructure.
Compliance & Standards
Help become and remain compliant.
Vulnerability & Risk Analysis
Understand your real exposure.
How to find and analyze WiFi threats.
Incident Response
Identify, remediate, investigate.

Support Contracts
Our support contracts are designed to bring you peace of mind, ensuring your systems receive the attention they need. Our main goal is to maximize your return on investment and maintain system reliability. With our support, you can rest assured that your technical needs are handled effectively, providing you with high-quality service and the confidence that your investment is well-managed.
Always up and running, maximum speed.
Reliable migrations from release to release.
Product Questions
Answered by the people who designed it.
Data Ingestion
Assistance with adding data sources.